Wednesday 11 January 2012


Yep yep, finally I have a place to jot down and share the ridiculous, fun and slightly entertaining aspects of my life. It's took some time I must say, constantly nagging at the man in my life to create me this blog thing but part of that is my own fault with my constant ''err, can we swap this picture for that, and can you type in this font, oh wait, I want a totally different colour and picture'' .... yeah, drove him nuts, infact, if I ever use the words ''computer.... broken..... don't worry..... I fixed it... BSoD'' in the same sentence, it's quite apparent the twisted, contorted look of pain that crosses his face. He swears blind I have some metal plate in my head that just breaks shit as I wonderously glide by.. Bill Gates I am not. I know only how to play MMO's, abuse people's walls on Facebook and scan porn, all other pc skills are deemed a waste in my eyes. However, watching retards hurt themselves on Youtube, that's kinda growing on me...

So at last Christmas is over. I used to love Christmas when I was a kid, but back then I didn't have to pay for shit. I remember when your mom and dad used to save up and the amount of crap you'd get for 100 quid was huge, now you're lucky if 100 quid buys a freakin knitted jumper with reindeers on and a selection box.. still, Santa still owes me SWtOR. For you non gamers, that's the new MMO Star Wars. Yeah I'm a total geek but what kinda self respecting chick doesn't wanna become a fuckin Jedi and beat the shit out of baddies with a lightsabre?

And what was with the shite tv over Christmas? Same crap every year, although Pat Butcher dying on Eastenders livened things up abit. I can't wait for Summer. Hot sun, lazy days by the beach and late dinners at the chiringuitos, dirty kinky hot mornings in bed with the hubby whilst the kids are at school. That's what it's about; and since my new digs overlooks the stunning Med sea, what better place to while away the hours?? That said, it's fuckin cold today and the sea looks heavily pissed off, defo a day for jammies, cuppa rosey lea with a Hobnob and a bit of Jeremy Kyle and Steve Wilkos. Oh yeah, I watch that shit, but in my defence I have two very valid reasons for this. Number 1. It reminds me and hammers home just how normal I actually am, no matter how fucked up I feel and number 2. I wouldn't mind Steve Wilkos frontin and yelling in my face as if he was gonna bitch slap me down... infact, man, I'd be extra bad to make that happen :P

So getting back to my favourite topic right now, Star Wars. I'm gonna be honest, I've never ever watched the original Star Wars film. I dunno why, maybe it's because I know the special effects are not gonna exactly blow me away or the fact that someone once told me there is a love story attached to it (I don't do romance.. /vomit) but it just never appealed to me. And since I quit playing Everquest 2, I've needed a new game to play so hence this choice. Only now, hubby says I just have to watch the original movie so I know some shit. Fml... that's like two hours of my life I'll never get back. I think he's scared that I'm gonna break the game.

I am slightly worried about playing this MMO (when Amazon finally realise that I am in Europe and it doesn't take forever to send stuff here, it isn't exactly Timbukfuckintoo) because I know how addicted and how serious I take online gaming. Years back when I started toying around with EQ2 I was such a noob. In every aspect. But within months I was hooked and those months turned into years which resulted in me being a proper elitist player. I try to be polite online and keep my cool, even when dicks are saying how 'hawt' you sound on comms. Wtf, dude, just pull. But it's hard to always keep your shit together when you're surrounded by some of the dumbest dumbfucks known to man. On the other hand, I've made some amazing friends through onlime gaming. There's no better place to find people as odd as yourself :)

Will keep you posted on the SWtOR issue, but for now, I'm out :)

Raven xoxo

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