Monday 16 January 2012

Monday mumblings....

Monday evening and I'm just about recovered from the weekend which, infact, turned out pretty good. Friday night was full of the usual, beers, tequilas, drinking and the obligatory moonwalking which us chicks like to do when wasted in killer heels of course! Was fun times all over, even more so due to the fact that Dani and I insisted on singing 80's anthems just for the cheese factor. Oh, and the shoes? They worked out just fine, more than fine even, they looked yummy yummerson!!! and my feet didn't even bleed lol.

Now I promised an update on swtor. Let me just say, for the record, I fckin love this game. I just do. The whole concept of it, the design, the way you can take your time with it is freakin ridiculously cool. My pc needs updating, although the gfx are ok, I need them better, afterall, I wanna see everything in beautiful detail once I get my airship thingy and take over the Universe!!!!! Looking forward to getting out of the starter areas and actually gracing the planets with my presence, but as the Jedi Masters keep telling me, this padawan has a long way to go yet.  Although a lot of my friends have said to me that this game is still in it's raw stages, I just don't see it. Maybe it's because I love it so and as yet, have not progressed too much. Either way, it's works for now and I'm staying with it.

There is one thing missing ofcourse, from swtor. One vital, missing compound. Certain friends. One whom I have not seen since he hung his EQ2 shoes up. Across the waters, some 4000 miles away, is one of my truest and most adored friends. I met him through EQ2 a good  5 years ago and over those years, we've built a lovely friendship. I hope he's reading this blog and promptly ordering his copy.... c'mon Jaffacakes, you know you want to, you know I need you to, you know Volt is hoping you'll carry this heavy burden of a serial AF'er!!!!!

Saturday night was nice. We had friends over for drinks and such and was pretty chilled. Putting the world to rights over a bottle of wine with your GF is always a winner, but we take it a step further and act like 6 year olds and build dens. I don't wanna grow up, and it's impossible to be so when my friend Michelle is around. She totally gets me, she's a spaz and I love her for it.She also takes great enjoyment from abusing people's FB with me, true partner in crime :)

I'm hoping for a quiet week really, aside from some family visiting briefly on my Irish side. One of whom is an amazing chef and has won some cool ass awards. He always makes comment on my skinniness but I let it slide as he serves me up the most truly scumptious yum yums... I promise to over-indulge in the food department this week and make the most of it.

Love is love 

Raven xoxo

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